Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Ella's Art

The other night I was cleaning up after putting Ella to bed and saw this picture on her Magna Doodle. I took it to Amber to ask her what it was since Ella will bring you the pad and ask you to draw her something. She had no idea what it was, she hadn't drawn it.

I took it to Ella and asked her what it was. She said it was her 'phyder' which, translated means it was her 'spider'. Not too bad eh?


aMs said...

She's a genius. I see Steve has taken over this post.

Welcome Parents said...

Hey Amber, how are you? Your family is sweet,and I love your blogsite. This is Alisyn Thompson (Ali Alva)Me and my family live In Californa just five minutes away from Disneyland. It looks like your along way from home as well.But who dosen't love the beach. Well I thought I would give you are family blogsite. It is RickandAly.blogspot.com Hope to keep in touch.


Best of the Best said...

That is quite good for a 2 year old. I just scribbled at the age, as a matter of fact I still scribble. Good job, Ella!

Jennie said...

I'm impressed. Katherine doesn't think it looks like a spider though. She thinks it looks like a dinosaur.

Becky said...

So this is Steve's cousin Rebecca. I found him on facebook and then it lead me here. Cute girls. Love the curly hair. Its good to see you all doing so well.

I have a blog also, if you care to brows threw just let me know. I have it set to private, so you will have to send me your log-in at rbeaumontw@yahoo.com. Charity, my sister, has one also; farmerfold.blogspot.com

Charity said...

Hello Steve, Amber, Ella and Ava!
This is Charity, your cousin. I see Becky's already given you my blog address. Just wanted to say hi and that Joel just turned two and he's working on semi-concentric circles on his Maggi (magnadoodle), but he still has a long way to go. I'm impressed with the 'phyder.' Your girls are adorable!