Monday, April 28, 2008


Okay, so cute. I had Ava in her crib and I decided to start packing a few things. After a minute I couldn't hear Ella so I did the usual "Marco" and I hear "I'm right here" and it sounded like she was in Ava's room so I walked in there and this is what I found.

Notice, Ava is asleep she has her thumb or fingers in her mouth and is covering her face with her hands. Ella just loves her sisser to death. She just can't let her have a moment of peace. Other days I've found her in there turning her mobile back on for her and checking up on her. The little monkey scales up the front of the crib, she doesn't need any assistance from the things around her.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Ava's 4 month check up
11 lbs 2 oz
22 3/4"
Head circumference 39 cm

Ella's 2 yr Check up

26 lbs 8 oz


Both are healthy and doing well. This is at a park near our house. Ella's favorite things to are go for a walk in the neighborhood and go to the park. She says "higher" when you push her on the swing...what a little dare devil!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jason Ordained an Elder & MTC

Jason was set apart as a missionary Tuesday April 8th, 2008
Jason got all the height in the family
Layne, Jason and Steve
In front on the infamous MTC wall


Jason just dropped off his suitcases and we are walking inside for the final goodbyes

Last family photo before we had to turn off the cameras

Bye, Bye Jason. I'll be 4 years old next time you see me and it will be Ava in her terrible two's when you get back. Good Luck on your Mishy!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Ava's Blessing

Ava was blessed in the same dress that Alisha, Ella and I were blessed in. Her nails are razor sharp, she scratched her face just in time for pictures.

Grandma Roberts and Ava

All the men, it was like pulling teeth to get a picture of them.

Helaine and Steve

4 generations (Grandma & Grandpa Adamson had left or we would have had them in the picture.)

Grandpa, Grandma Adamson & me

The Binky Strap. It would be Papa Adamson (my Father) that did it, of course.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Cabin Adventure

We took the Prowler aka "Barbie Jeep" up to the cabin while the guys were at the Priesthood session of conference. As you can see down at the bottom there really isn't snow...we didn't put the tracks on...less than a mile up we were wishing the tracks were on. 5 people...2 seat belts...Tokyo drifts all over the road. Amy didn't care for the ride so much, some of the areas she got out with Ava and walked because she was afraid we would roll it...or roll it off the cliff. (Jason rolled it the day before and broke the windshield he had just put in only hours earlier.) Mom had to do quite a bit of pushing when we would be stuck in the lighter snow. We did make it with no injuries to report!

Layne in the background showing Ella his Sled tricks. She didn't want to go for a ride with him after...go figure

All bundled up

Ava is either asleep or happy

Family photo...I've still yet to get a good photo of all 4 of us...actually I'm still working on a good photo of just the girls.

View out the side of the Cabin. We love it up there!

Ava laying on the opossum pillow. My dad kept saying that Ava's hair felt and looked like the opossum pillow they brought back from New Zealand. I didn't believe it until I saw it for myself.

Steve's ready to take the girls snowmobiling

I love this picture. This was taken from the driver's seat in the car looking into the side view mirror of Ella looking at the sheep. (Fairview). After we were done looking at the sheep she asked to go see an elephant!

Ella saw Jason out tiling the garden & couldn't miss out on a tracker ride...or "drive" as she says. She loves animals and anything that she can drive.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

UnFoRtUnAtE nIcKnAmEs, Ella-isms & the Thumb

OH NO! She found her thumb. I know better than to let her suck her thumb but it soothes her so what is a mom to do? Headgear and braces or Jaw surgery? Hopefully, neither but I know right where to take her if she does. Dad (Steve) can you cut her a deal?

Mamy (Amy) and Ava

With such cute and 'easy' name to say Ella still can't seem to get it.

Ava Kate Best aka:
  • Avis

  • Avit

  • Abit

  • Abut

  • sister (pronounced sisser)

  • IT

My Favorite things Ella says

1-"an Alligator pooped in my diaper" this is what she told me when I was talking to her about wearing big girl panties and not pooping in her diaper.
2-"Feed IT" referring to Ava when she is crying and hungry.
3-"You be nice to ME Grandma" this is what she said to Grandma when she tried to close the fridge...she'd sit there all day with the door open tearing apart the fridge. When she does decide to close it she SLAMS the door so hard it pops the freezer door open.
4-"I want Roberts" or sometimes "I want Grandma Roberts" which is always followed by saying "cookie". She knows that (Great) Grandma Roberts always has cookies and she will ask for her when she's in trouble...which seem to be a lot lately.
5-We had to start playing Marco Polo this fall because it's hard for me to know where she is in the house and for some reason she wont respond to me when I call her name and she is playing. So I will say "MARCO" and now when she responds, instead of saying POLO she will say "I'M RIGHT HERE". Well at least I know where she is, right?
6-"I'm Ricky Bobby", "I like to go fast", "if you're not first your last" "Shake n Bake"All from the movie Talladega Nights (which she hasn't seen, but she loves (to pretend) to drive the car). The other day I found her out in the garage trying to open the car and I asked her what she was doing and she told me she wanted to drive...we are in trouble she has another 14 years before she will be driving.
7-"The sea monkey stole my money" from Nemo of coarse. I only let her watch it while we're in the car, I guess we must drive a lot because she knows the whole movie.
8-"The platypus stole my hammer" Kurt taught her this one & yes, Kurt and Amber, she does miss you. Only a few more days until you see her! This month has flown by.
9-"JUUUUICE" she loves her juice, it's actually 93% water with a splash of juice but she doesn't need to know that. Lately it's been "pincess juice", "juicey" or "abble juice" the way she says it cracks me up. The part that I love is when you ask her oh you want juice or horsey or what ever it is that she's asking for, she'll say "ya, sure" or "okay" or "YEAH" like you are the one that brought it up.
10-"Ya, I'm trouble", she knows it and if you ask her she is not afraid to admit it! If you ask she if she's a maniac she'll say "Ya, I'm a Mamiac"