Sunday, July 27, 2008

Kurt and Amber...this one is for you!

Okay so I we moved last moved last month and I have been slacking. So much has happened but I haven't put anything in the blog. I going to work backwards on what's been happening this past month.

So we bought season passes to Disney World yesterday and spent the day with Alisha, Tyler and his mom & sister, Deetta and Bethany. Ella had a blast, she did the pirates ride, magic carpet, the laugh floor (Monsters Inc.), Buzz lightyear (Toy Story is her new favorite movie that she watches every time we go to the Granto's), and a few others with a lot of eating, seeing the princess' and shows that they have in the park.


aMs said...

Thanks!!! They are super cute! I miss them so much! Ella is a huge! I say that everytime I see her though, but she really has grown! I can't wait to see you guys!

Megan said...

Looks fun! WHen are you coming to Utah? See ya soon.

Jennie said...

Your girls are so cute. We miss them and are excited to see them tomarrow. Katherine freaked out when I told her Ella would be there! Alisha's hair looks way cute!!