Saturday, May 10, 2008

Zoo & DC

It's taken me a while to get these picture up. Last week Steve had to go to Boston for a conference and before he left we went to the Wilmington Zoo, Ella has so much fun & Ava seemed to enjoy herself as well. Kurt met up with us there too...Amber had to work. I've lost my SD card that has the pictures on it...don't worry I'll find it soon and put the pictures up.

We also went to DC to meet up with some friends. The Burt's just moved there from Florida and The Granto's were up there visiting. We had a lot of fun. Ella loved playing with the girls, she loves friends.

Today we were in the car and Ella wanted to get out of her car seat. Now when I want her to listen to me I will say to her "Ella, do you understand me?" It's kind of like a warning, if you do that again you'll have time out type thing...back to the story...Ella turned to me and pointed her finger and said "Mommy, do you understand me?" We just about died laughing. She couldn't keep that straight face very long.

So I'll work on finding that card and get the pictures up.


ATWOOD said...

I think everyone needs an Ella to keep them entertained :-) She is so much fun. I love the new background, you know Aaron and I are huge scrubs fans :-)