Ella loves her sugar and her Papa

Hanging out with Layne & Jason

Ava is like Maggie from the Simpson's, she loves her

Ava hanging out with Grandma in the kitchen. She is getting so big but she's still a little peanut.

Ella on Easter morning. She doesn't quite get the concept of an Easter egg hunt. She would pick up an egg and eat the candy before moving on to the next egg. Wait until next year, Ava will have her on her toes.

Yea! You made a post! It makes me miss you guys even more! Ella and Ava are getting so BIG! I can't believe it! I think that I am going to be so sick to my stomach when those two little girls leave here..Kurt and I might have to have one :) You are so cute at blogging! I love reading it..keep it up! Oh, and the dresses are SO cute! Good Job
Amber, this is Lisa Sechrest. I found your blog on a google search recently after finding the reunion blog. The ten year reunion is coming up, and you are on the webtsite of people they are looking for. The website is http://lehihigh1998classreunion.blogspot.com/. If you are interested in going over there and submitting your email address, I think they would be happy to get it.
Your girls are adorable! It's so amazing to see everyone with cute kids and adventurous lives. Our blog is www.pickapeck.blogspot.com. It has some weird setting on it to not be able to google it, you have to enter the address exactly.
I look forward to seeing you!
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